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Using gypsum in building

using gypsum in building

gypsum in building

In order to use gypsum in building, at first, it must be mixed with water. in the way that gypsum is poured into a container and water is added to it. The amount of the gypsum to the water used must be proportional. When it reaches to its initial grip, it can be applied to the desired surface using a trowel. The trowel must be moved diagonally on wall because only the side line of trowel can make a smooth surface.

Through performing this method, thickness of surface can be reached to the desired size. Mixture of gypsum and water is often used for whitewashing buildings and covering soil because it creates a white surface. But, in order to produce gypsum mortar, clay is mixed with water. Gypsum and clay are used equally to produce mortar. but depending on whether it grips quickly or slowly, clay can be used more or less. This mixture makes heat when combining with water. This heat is as much as 20˚c higher than desired environment. hence, gypsum mortar can also be used in low temperatures. 



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