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Gypsum, age-old mineral

Gypsum, age-old mineral

How does gypsum the age-old mineral made?

life of Gypsum the age-old mines were started millions of years ago by the evaporation of saltwater lakes and swamp water.

This has caused the lakes’ water to become very salty over time.

As a result, by combining the deposited salts with chemical compounds, minerals, and decayed plants, different non-metallic minerals such as gypsum are created.

What is gypsum?

Gypsum with the chemical formula CaSO4.2H2O consists of 79.1% calcium sulfate and 20.9% water.

In terms of volume, nearly 50% of its mineral structure is water. This water is completely dry and known as crystallized water.

Similar to lime, gypsum is heated up to about 180 °C in special kilns after extraction for water molecules to lose 3/2 of their crystallization and form the usable plaster in constructions and moldings.

The chemical reaction of forming plaster from gypsum is as followes:  

            CaSO4.2H2O               CaSO4.1/2H2O + 3/2H2O

Advantages of gypsum

  1. Gypsum is used to render a smooth finish to the wall, as well as to repair and fill the frame of the doors and windows of the building. The whole process can be done easily and quickly. It also reduces the need for paint.
  2. If gypsum is used as plaster material, a flat surface on the wall can be obtained.
  3. Gypsum can balance indoor humidity and temperature.
  4. In addition, it helps to maintain indoor temperatures. Gypsum is very useful due to its environmental compatibility, fire retardancy, intense thermal and sound insulation, etc.
  5. Gypsum works very effectively in aesthetic views and simple features.

Disadvantages of gypsum

  1. Gypsum cannot be plastered on the exterior walls because it absorbs moisture. It also cannot be used in places such as bathrooms, toilets, washing places, and kitchens.
  2. Gypsum is damaged by oozing followed by a quick breakdown.

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