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Founder's Message

First of all, it gives me great pleasure to welcome to everyone. my friends, family, customers, doyens, shareholders, craftsmen, businessmen and investors, and all who visit our website.

Welcome to the Jonoub Gypsum Group!

The Jonoub Gypsum Group started to work in 1982. Throughout the years, our family has grown along with various commitments and by predicting progress. Nowadays, the family’s past experiences are directed by its first founder generation. and has a strong record in business and plays a vital role in the economy of Iran.

Our mission is to invest in people, deliver top products and services to our customers. protect the environment and create a precious heritage for the future generation. Our company owes its success to the grace of God, cooperation and innovation.

We cope problems by teamwork and perseverance, seek to improve people’s life quality by stakeholders’ engagement and using modern technologies. Our industry focuses on the different types of gypsum powder and gypsum. We strive to be the best and always share our views with our peers. We really appreciate our employees, customers, communities, gypsum suppliers and gypsum professionals who mainly contribute to our development. 

founder massage

The Jonoub Gypsum Group provides its customers with high international quality products at competitive prices. Customers easily access to high-standard products. We also emphasize on timely delivery and reasonable price. We adhere to the perspectives, values ​​and ethics and always strive to achieve productivity, product diversity, and high quality. We aim to preserve self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the company, society and our country.

Finally, I sincerely appreciate all the shareholders, lenders, banks, financial institutions, sellers, customers, all workers of the factories and buildings. those who cooperate with us in any way, as well as company’s employees for their active engagement under hard conditions.

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