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Gypsum plaster storing guide

bagged gypsum

A guide to storing bagged and bulk gypsum plaster

The storing of construction materials like gypsum plaster must be done in a way that makes them easy to access. and they must be sorted in a way that the materials would be used in order of arrival. Meaning that newly arrived materials must be used after the older ones. Materials must not get mixed together and they must not lose their properties due to environment conditions. And there should not be the possibility of a fire. In this article we’ll guide you through storing bagged gypsum plaster (known as plaster of paris) both in bag/bulk.

Storing bagged gypsum plaster

Storing gypsum plaster in bags makes the transportation and arrangement of it much easier inside the construction site. but we must remember that if stored incorrectly, even bagged gypsum is exposed to risks. Gypsum bags must be piled on top of boards that are at least 10 centimeters above the ground. The distance between these piles and the walls of the storage room must be at least 20 centimeters. and not more than 10 bags of gypsum should be stacked on top of each other.

If gypsum is stored for a long time, it will form into some compressed lumps. This problem can be solved with rolling the gypsum bags on the floor. If rolling bags on the floor for one time breaks the lumps inside, then the gypsum is good for use. But if lumps don’t break first time then in order to ensure gypsum plaster quality, standard tests must be performed.

Storing bulk gypsum plaster

Storing and maintaining bulk gypsum plaster is only possible in silos. The silos must be cleaned before the storage. In areas with higher than 90 degrees humidity, storing time for gypsum bags must not be more than 6 weeks. and not more than 3 months in special silos. If the storing time goes beyond the mentioned amount, gypsum must be tested before use.


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