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Bag Filter Definition

bag filter definition

bag filter definition

Bag filters are used widely in gypsum industries for removing dusts from the exhaust air. Bag filter is a mechanical system. In this dust removing system, a number of textile bags are placed in a housing. The gas containing the dust enters the bags and blown out by powerful fans or extracted by exhaust fans. The filtered air passes through porosities of and the dust remains in the bags.

The dust is collected in the dust containers and the filtered air is exhausted out. The dust remaining on the bags is wiped by air pulses applied in predefined intervals into the lower hopper. This way, the dust is separated from the gas. This type of filters have high dust removing efficiency, which can be up to 99% depending on the dust type.

The only factor that limits the use of these filters is the input gas temperature. Today, due to the advancement of fiber technologies, the filter bags are used in a wider range of applications. Using the new textile products, this filters can resist temperatures of above 200°C. The following factors play an essential role in performance of the bag filters.

  • Materials used in production of bag filters
  • Dust removing zone
  • Structure and form of the bags
  • Dust wiping system

The last factor that encourages the industries to use jet-pulse dust removing systems. In this type of filters, the dust is wiped by injecting short pulses of compressed air.

The most advantages of using bag filters are as follows:


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