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Useful Micronized Gypsum

micronized gypsum

we are going to check the difference between micronized gypsum and ordinary gypsum. so Gypsum is one of the special building materials used extensively in items. such as covering walls and the surfaces, polishing and building interior facades, and similar cases. Ordinary gypsum, after the production, enters the grinding process, which will get to the required size after passing stages.

The ability of the final product to pass through a sieve is known as the mesh grade. Mesh is also the determinant factor in the quality degree of the final product. The higher the number, the finer the mesh, and consequently, the finer and better the gypsum powder. One of the best plasters among other plasters is micronized gypsum, which is suitable for use in construction.

Micronized gypsum production steps

There is a need to have more ground grains for special use cases, and their production process is more delicate. The ultra-fine micronized gypsum powders don’t need to pass through the sieve. and have unique capabilities that determine their application in the final stages and polishing of the building. Micronized gypsum is prepared by the new generation of modern grinders called the separator.

This architect’s innovative grinder can produce special materials with special cases in the building and other related industries. The feature of this product is its fineness (under 165 microns). and it is also considered the top-of-the-line product of building materials production factories. This material is used in the final stages and polishing of the plastering. Having high mesh grades in its production led to the production of an advanced product with micron-sized grains. exempting this ultra-fine product of any required meshing.

This degree of fineness, in addition to physical appearance, affects the mechanical and structural properties of the product. consequently, these differences are the ones gave final product special, unique uses and desirable applications in construction and other industries. It has an incomparable function in the skim coating, sticking. and expanded metal lathing, and dueto excellent fineness, it’s good option for creating beautiful sculptures and plastering artworks besides polishing. The quality of this product caused it to be used extensively in paint manufacturing, porcelain and ceramic manufacturing, and molding.


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