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Rotatory Kiln Application

Rotatory Kiln Application

Rotatory kiln in gypsum

Rotatory kiln is a piece of main equipment in gypsum and lime factories. According to gypsum and limestone technical features, it’s clear rotatory kiln features used for each one are different from others. But, in general, both of them are similar to each other in shape and mechanism of operation. Generally, the rotatory kiln has a cylinder with specified length, diameter and thickness. that refractoriness operations are done inside it in special desired ways. in order not to absorb the temperature more than the standardized amount and deform the cylinder.

This equipment also contain torches, rings, rollers, gears, brakes and generators. as we know, all items are different from others according to products type, input tonnages, dimension designs and kilns size. These kilns are mainly used for baking or calcining of gypsum and limestone. Actually, calcination process in gypsum rotatory kiln means as temperature of about 800˚c at desired time, water in gypsum evaporates. as much as needed. and the gypsum is prepared to change into the gypsum powder.

The rotatory kiln used in the lime industry has some differences with the one used in the gypsum industry. and calcination process in the lime industry means this. limestone, in this production process type, loses its water and carbon dioxide under a temperature about 1200˚c and desired time. idiomatically, changes into the live lime or calcined lime or the same calcium oxide. and consequently is prepared to turn into the lime powder.



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