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Important working tips


Important working tips

In every job employees and workers should follow the work tips. so we are mentioning some important work tips here as below. Workers should lift stored materials from the uppermost part. Lifting from the docking and the bottom part should be avoided as it may lead to materials falling down. Storing construction materials near excavation sites, well openings, pits, etc. should be prevented.

Storing the plaster is very important and so sensitive. accordingly, there are a number of measures need to be taken in storing plaster in the factory (before sale procedure). and in the workshops (before using the plaster). Humidity is a dangerous factor for the plaster against which it should be protected. It is necessary to use proper equipment for docking.

The Bulk plaster should be used immediately as the plaster is hydrophilic and even absorbs the humidity of the air. However, plaster bags could be stored for a year if kept properly. Plaster bags should be stocked in dry warehouses on planks positioned 10cm above ground and 20m away from the wall. in order to allow airflow around the bags.


Transporting and storing plaster

Building plaster should be kept safe from water and humidity. and similar to cement, it should be stored in special containers or sealed bags on which specifications should be written. The maximum number of piled cement and plaster bags is 10. This prevents pressure on the lower bags and all bags have to be lifted in a row. Material overload on built ceilings and near anchors and narrow walls should be avoided.


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