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Anhydrite, important mineral

What is Anhydrite?

Anhydrite is an evaporite mineral found in multiple layers of drainage basins where large amounts of seawater is evaporated. In other words, this is an important mineral in evaporite deposits that consists of calcium, sulfur, and oxygen. And is also known as calcium sulfate. Good examples of natural anhydrite often collect minerals and rocks. It is usually prepared with limestone, chalk, and halite and accumulate up to hundreds of feet of thickness. And is also discovered at much smaller scales in seashores where most of the seawater has evaporated.

This mineral often recognized with saline deposits related to chalk, as seen in saline gypsum domes of Texas and Louisiana. And is also present in the dolomites and the lime stones and as a mineral in the mineral rocks. It is also used as a drying agent in the chalk and the cement. This mineral (Anhydrite) crystals have the orthorhombic symmetry.

Mineral anhydrite is a relatively common deposit constitutes many rock layers indirectly as a result of mineral gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O) submergence. This dehydration reduces the rock layer’s volume and may create pores. this mineral mines have been very important, and good examples of it have been discovered in Mexico and Peru. that demonstrate good crystal behavior, beautiful blue colors, and light effects inside the crystal.


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